Manual browser: midirecord(1)

MIDIRECORD(1) General Commands Manual MIDIRECORD(1)


midirecordrecord midi files


midirecord [-aDfhoqV] [-B buffersize] [-c channels] [-d devices] [-f sequencerdev] [-n notesperbeat] [-r raw_output] [-T tempo] [-t time] file


The midirecord program converts the sequencer events read on sequencerdev to the named MIDI SMF output. If the file name is -, output will go to the standard output. By default, timing for events begins with the first event. The -o flag may be used to start timing events at the process start up.


The following options are available:
Append to the specified file, rather than overwriting.
-B buffersize
Set the sequencer device read buffer size to buffersize. The default value is 32768 bytes.
-c channels
Sets the filter list of channels to channels, which is a comma separated list of channels to filter in.
Enable debug log.
-d devices
Sets the filter list of devices to devices, which is a comma separated list of devices to filter in.
-f sequencerdev
Sets the sequencer device to use to sequencerdev. The default is /dev/music.
Print a help message.
-n notesperbeat
Sets the MIDI notes (clocks) per beat to notesperbeat.
Start the relative timer at process start up instead of at the first event.
Be quiet.
-r raw_output
Create the raw output of the sequencer device in raw_output.
-T tempo
Set the tempo for the recording to tempo.
-t time
Sets the maximum amount of time to record. Format is [hh:]mm:ss[.dddddd].
Be verbose.


the midi device to be used.


The midirecord program was first seen in NetBSD 7.


The midirecord program was written by Matthew R. Green <>.


SYSEX, LOCAL and FULLSIZE messages are not currently handled, but the NetBSD sequencer(4) device does not generate them.
December 30, 2014 NetBSD 7.0