EdgeBSD is one year old

News by khorben on 10/09/2014 02:31:52
The EdgeBSD project celebrates its first anniversary!

As a first consequence, the domain and SSL certificate on
https://www.edgebsd.org/ were both renewed for an extra two years.

Next, according to the project constitution [1] an election for
leadership must take place soon. The current project leader, Pierre Pronchery (khorben@) offered to extend his current mandate to another year [2], and hopes to prepare and collect additional election platforms around the time of EuroBSDCon 2014 [3].

[1] https://www.edgebsd.org/edgebsd/wiki/12/project%20organization
[2] http://lists.edgebsd.org/edgebsd-users/2014/09/msg00000.html
[3] http://2014.eurobsdcon.org/