About EdgeBSD

Wiki page by khorben on 21/08/2013 02:28:48
--- /var/www/www.edgebsd.org/wiki/About EdgeBSD	2014/09/10 00:06:53	1.4
+++ /var/www/www.edgebsd.org/wiki/About EdgeBSD	2014/09/10 00:08:41	1.5
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 <p>The preliminary plan is as follows:</p>
 <li>existing features are enabled and used by default (SSP, ASLR, modular kernel, modular Xorg, full disk encryption, securelevel...)</li>
-<li>a release with these features is available continuously, based on the latest stable NetBSD branch.</li>
+<li>a <a href="/edgebsd/wiki/23/releases" title="EdgeBSD Releases">release</a> with these features is available continuously, based on the latest stable NetBSD branch.</li>
 <p>Every meaningful contribution is to be proposed back to the NetBSD Project once sufficiently tested.</p>
1.5 (diff)khorben
1.4 (diff)khorben
1.3 (diff)khorben
1.2 (diff)khorben